Open youro web browser and lead to :
Setup Touchpad Gestures On Ubuntu 18.04
It seems you can use libinput to configure your touchpad on Ubuntu.Like two fingers, Three fingers,and Four fingers.
Change Ubuntu Unity DateTime Format
On Ubuntu Unity 18.04, The default datetime format is quite weird.
If you displayed week, It would show up "三" instead of "星期三".
So you have to change this.
Install kernel 4.17 on your Ubuntu 18.04
Open Ubuntu kernel Mainline PPA
Download deb files and install. "unsigned" means no Secure boot support.
Install indicator-keylock on Ubuntu 18.04
Indicator-keylock can handle your feature keys status easily.
And there is a new PPA for Ubuntu 18.04.
Fix: Touchpad not working after suspending laptop
This bug is reported in launchpad: Elantech touchpad stops working after suspend.
Everytime you wake up from suspending, You have to "unload&load psmouse module manually".
Install Vim 8.1 on your Ubuntu 18.04
Vim 8.1 is a minor release, a few new features have been added since Vim 8.0. The main new feature of Vim 8.1 is support for running a terminal in a Vim window, it sounds great for me.
So I decide to install Vim 8.1 on my main System.
Install&Set Nemo as default Desktop manager on Ubuntu 18.04
I installed Unity as default DE on Ubuntu 18.04, But nautilus really sucks on desktop management.
So I decide to make a change.
开源掌机 Retro Game 入手与折腾
小时候喜欢掌机,长大了也有掌机情结,所以我买了 PSV,也买了 Switch,并且喜欢那种拿着掌机把玩的感觉。
最近无聊,就在网上看到了开源掌机这种东西,也看到了很多众筹项目,最终还是因为没钱,选择了便宜的小霸王 Retro Game (RS97)掌机。