昨天研究 Shutter 的问题,今天发现有人告诉我 Shutter 居然还有更新……
为 Ubuntu Linux 开启蓝牙 APTX / LDAC 支持
一直以来阻止我购买蓝牙耳机的原因有一个,就是我的 Linux 笔记本不支持蓝牙 APTX,后来虽说什么索尼 LDAC 开源了,但是那群愚蠢的开源开发者们还在就“代码是否正统”在扯皮。
其实在 Linux 下支持蓝牙 APTX 与 LDAC 的协议进展一直有,有逆向工程的,也有整合代码的,但是都没有被 merge 到上游,因为他们还在扯皮。
而且现在 APTX 都已经被逆向工程了,LDAC 源代码都放出了,甚至都被 ALSA merge 了,pulseaudio 还没有动静,这不科学啊。
Setup Touchpad Gestures On Ubuntu 18.04
It seems you can use libinput to configure your touchpad on Ubuntu.Like two fingers, Three fingers,and Four fingers.
Change Ubuntu Unity DateTime Format
On Ubuntu Unity 18.04, The default datetime format is quite weird.
If you displayed week, It would show up "三" instead of "星期三".
So you have to change this.
Install kernel 4.17 on your Ubuntu 18.04
Open Ubuntu kernel Mainline PPA
Download deb files and install. "unsigned" means no Secure boot support.
Install indicator-keylock on Ubuntu 18.04
Indicator-keylock can handle your feature keys status easily.
And there is a new PPA for Ubuntu 18.04.