Solaar is a Linux device manager for Logitech's Unifying Receiver peripherals. It is able to pair/unpair devices to the receiver, and for most devices read battery status.
Install Solaar on Ubuntu can be easy with a deb file, but that's a bit out of date,many new features are not included.So I recommend to install latest version from github manually.
1.get the latest code from github
git clone
2.Install with your terminal
./ install
If you got some errors, that means you may need to install some dependence packages by yourself,go with APT INSTALL.
3.fix accessible problem
Normally USB devices are not accessible for r/w by regular users, so you will need to do a one-time udev rule installation to allow access to the Logitech Unifying Receiver.
4.Then unplug your Unifying Receiver and Plugin again,run solaar from launcher and enjoy
Yeah,MX Master is supported now.
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