昨天研究 Shutter 的问题,今天发现有人告诉我 Shutter 居然还有更新……
您正在查看: 标签 ppa 下的文章
Install kernel 4.17 on your Ubuntu 18.04
Open Ubuntu kernel Mainline PPA
Download deb files and install. "unsigned" means no Secure boot support.
Install Vim 8.1 on your Ubuntu 18.04
Vim 8.1 is a minor release, a few new features have been added since Vim 8.0. The main new feature of Vim 8.1 is support for running a terminal in a Vim window, it sounds great for me.
So I decide to install Vim 8.1 on my main System.
Install Firefox Quantum in Ubuntu Linux 16.04
As we all know that Firefox 57 will rename to Firefox Quantum. It means the New version Firefox will use Quantum Engine instead the old one.
Even throgh Firefox 57 is still in beta,but we can install it from PPA under Ubuntu.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox
So here it is.
Ubuntu 下 软件源证书报错的问题与解决
近日 apt-get update 的时候,出现了奇怪的问题:
一开始我想到的自己是不是被中间人攻击了还是 DNS 污染了,公钥居然没了?
于是果断刷新了 DNS 缓存之后继续更新,问题依旧。
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wert000: 你都用苏菲go3这种京东方屏幕了,还写在意屏幕什么的文...
魏连殳: 李先生新年快乐
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Kele: 李先生新年快乐
Rikka: plum新年快樂,孩子成年之前是時刻都需要耗費大量心力...
隔壁老王: 我滴个亲娘欸,这博客简直是一股清流,能活十年真不容易。
代餐寻找中: 博主和其他老铁们,一样在寻找代餐中,找到了回复我一下行...