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Re: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

I have a set of 6 new T440s laptops along with Ultradocks. I ordered 2 sets of 3, with a month inbetween. I am having a problem where all of my Ultradocks produce a very loud buzzing noise from the connected speakers whenever the laptop is turned off or undocked. If the laptop is docked and powered on, everything sounds fine. 


I have contacted support and they are sending me a replacement dock, but since the issue is so consistent and effects all my docks, I doubt it will help. Is anyone else experiencing this, is there any fix?


Re: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz



 These symptoms (discussed in this thread) may not be universally experienced and this is not a recall, but if you have this issue, then please contact service during warranty. 


In this case, there are new parts for the dock.


Ultra dock       Old FRU 04W3947 -> New FRU 00HM917

Pro dock         Old FRU 04W3948 -> New FRU 00HM918


You should contact the support number for "Think" service is your particular country.


If the agent seems unaware or is having difficulty finding information, suggest that they sign into the support site, select the system model (like T440s) that you have the dock attached to normally, and then have them select tips and then look under the section for sound.

I'm marking this as the solution for this thread.






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T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

Got the same problem! Any solutions so far?


Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz


Yes, a solution is being worked.  I'll check on the status.


I believe this may be a caused by noise on a grounding line - a potential work around is to use a 3 prong (grounded) version of the AC adapter.




Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

Hi Mark,


None of my power supplies have or support a 3 prong cable. Can you contact me and advise on how I can get one?


Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

I've got a grounded power connection. Buzz still appears with turned off/undocked TP wenn only having connected one USB or Display Port, no AC adapter. Sure it seems to be something simple (ground).


Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

Same issue


Clearly a ground problem. Swapped speakers and cables, same issue.




1) Fine when laptop is turned on.


2) When laptop is turned off, large buzz goes thru speakers


Makes the dock unusable for its stated function of being able to keep all peripherals plugged in.


Kinda embarrasing lor Lenovo, I would think....there are no vendors here to point the finger at, all the products in question are manufactured by Lenovo.


Now #1 in PC sales, apparently headed to the same level of inconsistent product development as Dell.


Everyone in my family who is not required by work to get a computer is now gettting Apple products, and with this kind shoddy product development with no fix in sight, it's small wonder.


Computers are like appliances to most people, they just want them to work.






Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

I also left a review on Amazon about this dock, warning everyone about the dock. There is an excellent chance that Lenovo will ignore this problem completely, calculating that the profits made on selling the dock will outweigh any return costs, since most people will choose to live with the problem.


The review might save some people some aggravation.


Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

Lenovo is sending me a grounded power adaptor to test. I will report my results back when I get them.


Betreff: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz



I can assure you that this will be addressed.  There is a hardware fix in the pipeline and as soon as I have more information, I'll share it.


I suppose your feedback on review sites is fair - other customers will benefit from your experience.  Not all may use external speakers, and I believe this symptom occurs when the speakers and dock have power and the thinkpad is removed.  Perhaps some will just power off the speakers when they eject the ThinkPad.  


I appreciate your skepticism and find it sobering that it is assumed (with resulting negative narrative) that we won't address an issue.    That certainly isn't the reputation I want us to have.


Best regards,














Re: T440s Ultradock Speaker Buzz

I received my grounded power supply this morning. Unfortunately this has no effect on the issue in my case. I have contacted Mark and am waiting for next steps. I will keep you updated on this as I get more information.

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