Status Update
Comments <> #2
Absolutely same thing, that occurs either on 5 (literally every version from preview to 5.1.1) and on 6.
So here are some observations:
each app, that uses internet, has high mobile radio active rate. If it is some sort of browser or maps, that doesn't use internet all the time, MRA is not extremely high, it is just surprising (like you do 10 minutes of web-surfing with some pauses (open browser, reload page, close, wait, repeat) and you expect MRA close to 10 minutes (actually close to ~page load/reload time), but you have something about 40 minutes). It is ok in comparison with Google Play Services with all build in stuff like back-up, sync, geo and so on which can easily have up to 10 hours of MRA for a day.
I have installed Android M factory image on my Nexus 5, do not activate any Now or Fit features (even Wear and my watches) and do some measurements.
Situation 1. Standing by on wi-fi with high signal range:
Average battery consumption: 1-2 percents per hour.
Situation 2. Absolutely the same situation with same chatter level on hangouts, but wi-fi is turned off:
So here are some observations:
each app, that uses internet, has high mobile radio active rate. If it is some sort of browser or maps, that doesn't use internet all the time, MRA is not extremely high, it is just surprising (like you do 10 minutes of web-surfing with some pauses (open browser, reload page, close, wait, repeat) and you expect MRA close to 10 minutes (actually close to ~page load/reload time), but you have something about 40 minutes). It is ok in comparison with Google Play Services with all build in stuff like back-up, sync, geo and so on which can easily have up to 10 hours of MRA for a day.
I have installed Android M factory image on my Nexus 5, do not activate any Now or Fit features (even Wear and my watches) and do some measurements.
Situation 1. Standing by on wi-fi with high signal range:
Average battery consumption: 1-2 percents per hour.
Situation 2. Absolutely the same situation with same chatter level on hangouts, but wi-fi is turned off: <> #3
[Comment deleted] <> #4
+1. Same issue here. can't get to my screenshots at the moment, but rest assured my 5X is having the EXACT same problem that's been documented for so long with the mobile radio wake times. I think yestreday I had, for example, facebook and google play services apps both reporting over 90 minutes of Mobile Radio Active time, and Facebook only had 4mins of actual CPU usage (from the one time i used the app in the AM).
In other words, the problem persists in M. I hope we hear of resoution soon, because I have another 13 days before i make the call on returning this 5X outright.
In other words, the problem persists in M. I hope we hear of resoution soon, because I have another 13 days before i make the call on returning this 5X outright. <> #5
[Comment deleted] <> #6
I can confirm this.
I've made a couple of tests while my phone has been on stand-by, and after a while of it been idle I get a message in Whatsapp. Both tests show that If no apps have used the radio, I get pretty good stand-by drains (less than 1%/h), but as soon (or a few minutes later) after I get a message in Whatsapp, the drain goes up. The drain values or not always consistent, but the increase of the rate of consumption coincides with the arrival of the message and hence the activation of the radio. I'm using Battery Monitor Widget to register the usage every 5 minutes. Here are the screenshots, take a look at the times:
Also note that Whatsapp shows 32m and 14s of mobile radio active time, while the CPU in the foreground is only 2m and 53 (by the time I took this screenshot, I had been on WIFI for a While)
I've made a couple of tests while my phone has been on stand-by, and after a while of it been idle I get a message in Whatsapp. Both tests show that If no apps have used the radio, I get pretty good stand-by drains (less than 1%/h), but as soon (or a few minutes later) after I get a message in Whatsapp, the drain goes up. The drain values or not always consistent, but the increase of the rate of consumption coincides with the arrival of the message and hence the activation of the radio. I'm using Battery Monitor Widget to register the usage every 5 minutes. Here are the screenshots, take a look at the times:
Also note that Whatsapp shows 32m and 14s of mobile radio active time, while the CPU in the foreground is only 2m and 53 (by the time I took this screenshot, I had been on WIFI for a While) <> #7
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have passed this on to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available.
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have passed this on to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #8
He're we are again...
One of the most important features of Marshmallow, as Google says, is battery life improvements... But the most important and guilty bug that causes battery drainage is still here. Incredible.
Please Google, solve this bug once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One of the most important features of Marshmallow, as Google says, is battery life improvements... But the most important and guilty bug that causes battery drainage is still here. Incredible.
Please Google, solve this bug once and for all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #9
Again it is considered as a small priority.... Still on kitkat, was hoping to finally update to something higher. <> #10
The issue happens in both Google and non-google apps, so the software bug is concerning. It's already caused me to RMA a device and is only going to cost Google more $$ until its addressed. Can we at least get acknowledgement if this is software or hardware? <> #11
I said it before and I say it again:
It's pathetic this issue gets ignored for 2 years.
It's pathetic this issue gets ignored for 2 years. <> #12
Android lost me as a user. This bug has been around for so long, since lolipop, and was also spotted in android m preview, and was promised to be fixed. I'd like to check iphone or windows phone for my next device. <> #13
Here's chrome today using 1hr 40mins of mobile radio active time, even though Ive spent barely 20mins using the app. <> #14
Stupid move from Google.
Now i won't buy a chromecast and a Googlewear SmartWatch as my next smartphone won't be an Android device anymore... It is a chain reaction. i come!!!
Now i won't buy a chromecast and a Googlewear SmartWatch as my next smartphone won't be an Android device anymore... It is a chain reaction. i come!!! <> #15 any updates on this? Can you confirm it's the same issue discussed extensively in defect 22287469 / issue 36907694 of the developers build? This is murdering my nexus experience and I'm considering returning my nexus 5x outright before my 11/15 deadline. Quite a shame. <> #16
I think someone from Google should clarify this issue with the community. Be open and transparent about the status of this long time battery drain issue (since the first version of Lollipop). This will help regain the faith of the Nexus or Android users.
I am a Nexus 6 owner and was once severely impacted by this issue in Lollipop. Since I upgraded to Marshmallow, this issue no longer happens any more. So I suppose Google has put some effort in fixing, just not good enough to fix it once and for all.
I am a Nexus 6 owner and was once severely impacted by this issue in Lollipop. Since I upgraded to Marshmallow, this issue no longer happens any more. So I suppose Google has put some effort in fixing, just not good enough to fix it once and for all. <> #18
I think you are right.
Google made some design decission in lollipop on which they can't seem to go back on.
The batterydrain is a fact of lollipop and now marshmallow.
And as long Google keep their mouth shut they are pushing away their customers.
Don't think i will advise Android to friends, family and so on....
Google made some design decission in lollipop on which they can't seem to go back on.
The batterydrain is a fact of lollipop and now marshmallow.
And as long Google keep their mouth shut they are pushing away their customers.
Don't think i will advise Android to friends, family and so on.... <> #19
Here are stats from yesterday, where ib had almost 3 hours if screen time, yet it wasn't even close to the biggest battery consumer... <> #20
I don´t have battery drain using 6.0. Battery stats however are just wrong when i use mobile data. If i keep mobile data disabled(with or without wifi) the stats are nice and make sense with screen on top and the apps i actually used the most; if i turn on mobile data however, i get pretty much the same battery out of my phone but the stats are wrong, show google play services and third party apps i didn´t used with big numbers on mobile active counter despite them not consuming battery given my experience. So for me it´s not a drain, it´s useless battery stats since android tells me that some app consumed more battery than 3 hours of screen time on a single day, which is just not true. Some users are reporting battery drain, i don´t have any battery drain, i just have worthless battery stats if i use mobile data. <> #21
Mi wife's Nexus 5 with latest Marshmallow to date suffered from this bug on friday. Battery went to zero in almost two hours.
Google Play Services was the culprit this time.
Screenshots attached.
Google Play Services was the culprit this time.
Screenshots attached. <> #22
Seriously? The only reason I didn't buy an iPhone was because 6 was supposed to fix this bug. But it's clearly still here. Goodye Android. Maybe one day you'll get some priorities. <> #23
From what I can tell, it's fixed.
From what I can tell, it's fixed. <> #24
LOL. One hour of Google Play is taking over twice the battery of the screen being on the same time. The second screen shot didn't upload... <> #25
#23 If it was fixed by Google, it wouldnt be still labeled as assigned here, but as "future release" and the thread would close. So it just isn't. <> #26
Can we expect this to be fixed on any close release? This is making me think go to iOS.. and I really love Android. Please fix this asap. <> #27
Same issue for me. 2 hours of SOT full battery, because of mobile radio active (with different app in stats, but frequently "google play services" or Chrome) <> #28
Cmon Google, get your devs onto it as a priority! For now I'm moving to a different browser. Google Chrome will be disabled. <> #29
Same here. It's ridiculous how the battery is drained by this stupid service. We need a fix ASAP!!! <> #30
-> Priority-Small
Unbelievable. This is the most irritating bug since Lollipop. Maybe we all can downgrade to the best Android version ever!! -> KITKAT.
Unbelievable. This is the most irritating bug since Lollipop. Maybe we all can downgrade to the best Android version ever!! -> KITKAT. <> #31
Really Google? I bought Android phone but gave it back to store. It drained whole battery in few hours. I'm going back to Apple. At least they treat customers more seriously. Android is a joke. <> #32
Well now you're just being ridiculous. I'd say apple does anything BUT great their customers seriously. That company has ripped off everyone they've crossed for the past decade+, and has been lying about their "innovations" since basically every iPhone post-3G. Get back to me about being treat seriously next time you pay less than $100 upcharge for 32GB additional flash memory...
/rantoff <> #33
I'm not noticing this bug in 6.0.1 (Nexus 5).
People mistake mobile radio uptime for unnecessary high power state.
People mistake mobile radio uptime for unnecessary high power state. <> #34
Seriously, posting that you don't have this bug and that you *think* people mistake this bug for something else doesn't help at all. Just be glad that you are able to use your phone away from WiFi.
For me, I have nothing but minimal GApps installed and on 4G, my phone drains 2-3x faster than having the screen on while it sits in my pocket due to this mobile radio active bug. This most definitely did not happen with KitKat on the same device. Nor does it happen on my wife's KitKat phone.
For me, I have nothing but minimal GApps installed and on 4G, my phone drains 2-3x faster than having the screen on while it sits in my pocket due to this mobile radio active bug. This most definitely did not happen with KitKat on the same device. Nor does it happen on my wife's KitKat phone. <> #35
I guess you are not talking about google nexus ripping off money on extra 16 GB and maximum 32 GB forcing users to use "cloud" services. Well apple is evil, but at least their stuff usually works. More seriously doesn't mean serious. Another thing is vulnerability to stagefright 2.0 in even new phones (which is not exactly google's fault, but general problem in Android's architecture).
I guess you are not talking about google nexus ripping off money on extra 16 GB and maximum 32 GB forcing users to use "cloud" services. Well apple is evil, but at least their stuff usually works. More seriously doesn't mean serious. Another thing is vulnerability to stagefright 2.0 in even new phones (which is not exactly google's fault, but general problem in Android's architecture). <> #36
For the love of god Google, fix this fuking irritating bug. It's forcing me to stay on kitkat and i really want to move on to Marshmallow, knowing it's is just a flash away for my device, OnePlus One. This is a major bug and you guys have been acknowledging it as a small defect. Please give it a priority guys. <> #37
Google, you must give high priority for this bug because I'm having this issue since LP <> #38
I'm worried this bug isn't going to be fixed until they're no longer making updates for my phone. Flashing a ROM is always an option, but I shouldn't have to flash an old or custom OS so that my phone is usable away from Wi-Fi.
I love Android, but I will not recommend it to others until Google makes it a priority to fix bugs like this. This has been the single worst bug in the OS since 5.0, and it has received no attention from Google. Features bring in new users, but good software keeps existing users. If you don't address this, it's going to push existing users, like me, away.
I love Android, but I will not recommend it to others until Google makes it a priority to fix bugs like this. This has been the single worst bug in the OS since 5.0, and it has received no attention from Google. Features bring in new users, but good software keeps existing users. If you don't address this, it's going to push existing users, like me, away. <> #39
It is insane that this problem still persists, it's ruining my experience since my phone got the upgrade to lollipop almost a year ago. I don't want to root my phone and install 3rd party modules to fix this, I have other things to do and other hobbies. I shouldn't have to constantly take care of my phone, it just should work. If the bug isn't fixed during M releases (which seems to be the case given its small priority) my next phone in fall 2016 will not be an android. <> #40
@berkano, actually there's no 3rd party module fix for this. <> #41
@rauldzma yes, there is. you can install it via Xposed, it´s called "MobileActiveRadioFix".
It´s available in xda forums.
I´m using it here for a while and it's ok in 5.0.2.
It´s available in xda forums.
I´m using it here for a while and it's ok in 5.0.2. <> #42
@sadd the last I read about that module, all it did was hide the stats from the battery report and not actually fix the drain. <> #44
To be honest, since 6.0, I've not been bothered by this anymore.
Don't mistake active time for this bug.
In Lollipop, the radio was ins high power state for much longer than necessary, thus killing your battery.
In 6.0, Google stated to have solved the issue, in the last preview.
Don't mistake active time for this bug.
In Lollipop, the radio was ins high power state for much longer than necessary, thus killing your battery.
In 6.0, Google stated to have solved the issue, in the last preview. <> #45
New n5x has this bug too. Google play services devour battery when mobile data is on. It's ridiculous Google hasn't fix this bug yet. I've been noticed it for a long time since lollipop update on my old nexus 4. Unfortunately, there's no way out without lose of usability. <> #46
I wonder if this will ever get fixed in a timely manner. I was forced to downgrade to kitkat on my OnePlus One to get by battery life back. <> #47
[Comment deleted] <> #48
I don't understand how Google is behaving like a complete brat about this entire bug. Let alone fixing it, they haven't spoken anything about it, or even the fact that they are up for fixing this. Its been more than a year since this bug is crippling all android devices. They are all for "new features" "new names" "new design" but FIRST MAKE THINGS WORK PROPERLY WHICH IS ALREADY THERE !! <> #49
I'm facing this on my n6p. The mobile radio active data keeps spiking up. Google should adress the public really soon. This is a nasty bug to live with. Even 6.0.1 doesn't solve it <> #50
Seeing this reported by people on the NEXUS SIX P, a GOOGLE DEVICE is bewildering to say the least.I'm glad more people are reporting on it from a wide array of devices. For a time I was thinking of selling my device because of this bug. Now I know for certain (after talking to a bunch of custom rom makers) that it's a really deep issue that needs Google's attention asap. <> #51
I can confirm its on every device I know of on Marshmallow - Nexus 5, Nexus 6 & OnePlus One. My sincere request is to have this bug fixed. Begin with changing the priority from "SMALL". Do you know why a lot of people haven't posted here claiming it to be a defect? Because if you ask people to say post here if you have "Ataxia telangiectasia", you will probably die seeing the notice board empty !! Got it .. More than majority of people don't understand its a bug because of lack of technical know how. For the ones who know, many have given up hope on Google to do anything about it and have started looking at alternate ways to solve it. Stop acting as BIG HEAD and giving a cold shoulder to something that is highly evident as a bug. Please do something - Give an update, engage testers/Devs and eventually resolve it. But you got to start somewhere don't you? <> #52
I honestly think google ignores this because they don't want people to realize that they could have a much better battery life. They let average users be content with batteries that are being drained twice as fast on mobile data. Thus forcing said users to buy new devices sooner in hopes of getting a device with better battery life. <> #53
Let's begin blaming ourselves. First for being a deliberate noob by not identifying the issue and cursing the phone, Android on whole, OEM, the handset, etc. Secondly giving up early so Google can have a free run. Look at the activity on this thread. People post once and forget forever. How many ever tried to follow up? I will follow up on it every week asking for update. If every poster here asks for a followup it should make some noise in the deaf ears of Google. <> #54
Seeing something that has made my phone go from 7-8 hour screen times to 3-4 hour screen times labeled as "priority small" makes me want to switch to Apple. At this point I don't even think google bothers reading half the issues here. I keep a hopeful eye on this thread but my hope is dwindling with every passing day. This has been going on since lollipop. We were promised a fix in Marshmellow. We were lied to. Simple as that. <> #55
I can't understand how Google can't fix this, while a random ROM/Xposed module developer can. <> #56
This HAS NOT been fixed via xposed. It is a common misunderstanding. The only thing the current available fixes do is mask the usage. I have talked with some prominent ROM makers in the custom android community and they all have agreed that at this point a fix from google is the only way to get this sorted. <> #57
Yes. I confirm the Xposed module is at best a placebo. It solves nothing. Unless Google fixes this this is not going away. <> #58
Are you guys complaining about the mobile radio state solely (how long it's been up for) or the high power state lasting much longer than intended?
Because I think the later has been fixed in M.
Because I think the later has been fixed in M. <> #59
Yes the former. The latter too is a hit or a miss in certain conditions because of the former. 4% drain an hour on cellular data vs. 4% drain in 7 hrs on WiFi during idle times is way too much of a gap to live with. Doze works fine when on WiFi. When not on WiFi I don't see it working any better than lollipop. In fact hard to say its there even. This bug is the primary reason I have a charger in my car for emergency situations. Else I should never need one. Shifting from high power state to low power state is shitty patchwork not a resolution. Its a stop gap being termed as a solution by Google. <> #60
If it were fixed I wouldn't be seeing real world screen on times be halved on lollipop and later. From 7 hours to 3-4. I can verify this because my phone came with kitkat so I am fortunate enough to have kitkat to downgrade to. Others aren't so lucky. <> #61
As a side-note, I would love to know who this has been assigned to (if anybody). Obviously we'll probably never know but still, I'd love to get a google employee's take on this. <> #62
From lollipop to marshmallow... after nearly a year we are still here with this bug!
It is truly amazing!!!
It is truly amazing!!! <> #63
To quote one of the developers I've grilled about this nasty issue: "if google were to point me in the right direction I'd probably have this fixed in no time." <> #64
Also, allow me to point you in the direction of this issue tracker
It's the same issue but it has a much bigger number of stars. In fact it is the number one "priority small" issue on the tracker. It too is labeled as "assigned" but has not been fixed even though it is full of complaints. I would urge all of you to express your distaste for this nonsense in that thread as well. Lets try and illicit at least some kind of response from a google employee.
It's the same issue but it has a much bigger number of stars. In fact it is the number one "priority small" issue on the tracker. It too is labeled as "assigned" but has not been fixed even though it is full of complaints. I would urge all of you to express your distaste for this nonsense in that thread as well. Lets try and illicit at least some kind of response from a google employee. <> #65
I'm still following both posts, but I have given up hope that Google addresses this issue or will ever treat battery life seriously. It may take a law suit at some point to get them to do anything.
My wife and I have since switched to iPhones as this appears to be the only way to recover ones battery life.
My wife and I have since switched to iPhones as this appears to be the only way to recover ones battery life. <> #66
Hi guys. This a new user of motor x play, coming from a moto g 1st generation. When I updatedo the moto g from kit kat to lollipop, I started to notice a worse battery performance. But I didn't take care because I thought the moto g's battery was old and useless. NO WAY! I bought this year a brand new moto x play with lollipop 5.1.1 with its great battery of 3670mah. After several days of use I noticed a very poor performance of the battery life with less than 2 days, and i'm not a social networks user, no Facebook, no twitter. Only whatsapp and mail and chrome. I started to study the mobile and the stats from the battery with the same result known from everybody, when the device is connected to the mobile network, the battery is drain by Google pay services and the radio modem is always active. When you use wifi,this doesn't happen. Unbelievable this issue is not fixed by Google since lollipop was released. Because this is a bug from the os, since I ve disconnected all the features that makes a mobile to be a smart phone. No gps, no synchronisation, no now cards, nothing. It is a pity because moto x play is a great phone and I'm considering to return it bacK to amazon. My problem is the options I have:windows phone, I don't like them, ios, too expensive. THIS IS A PROBLEM OF GOOGLE AND ANDROID SYSTEM AND WE NEED SOLUTIONS! <> #68
#42 and #43
For me, the xposed module really fixed the drain.
I´m using 4.4.4 now for testing purposes, and got the same battery time than the 5.0.2 with the fix.
My battery (Xperia ZQ) lasts around 8h (clash of clans, many podcasts and spotify) with the fix and in 4.4.4.
Without the fix it lasts around 3-4h.
For me, the xposed module really fixed the drain.
I´m using 4.4.4 now for testing purposes, and got the same battery time than the 5.0.2 with the fix.
My battery (Xperia ZQ) lasts around 8h (clash of clans, many podcasts and spotify) with the fix and in 4.4.4.
Without the fix it lasts around 3-4h. <> #69
As said before I'm returning here to again ask Google developers to update us on the progress if any made. If not started reminder to not not piss a lot of people who hate this bug. <> #70
Everyone else. Stop being a bystander. It takes a min to come here comment and voice yourself in support of getting this bug fixed. Let's make some noise. <> #71
Here here ( also here )
Cant wait for google to continue ignoring us! It's so exciting!
Cant wait for google to continue ignoring us! It's so exciting! <> #72
yeah post #72 still counting <> #73
Piling on to say please fix this, stop ignoring it - there are lots of people affected. I'm hoping cyanogenmod will fix it before google do as usual, but prove me wrong, Google! <> #74
Please fix this, it simply should not be an issue like this. Not sure why
we don't have an xposed hack fixing this like we had in lollipop.
we don't have an xposed hack fixing this like we had in lollipop. <> #75
*mind blown*
*mind blown* <> #76
@#75 that's just code for "we really can't be assed" or "we dont actually know how we fucked up and we can't be assed" <> #77
I can confirm. Bug present on Android 6.0 on my LG G4. I'd get even better battery life if it wasn't for this damn issue. Since i got the newer google play services update I've had this issue. This should be a higher priority than Google makes it to be. Peace. <> #78
Wtf Google. Sort this out <> #79
Same here, 6.0.1 Nexus 5. <> #80
Unbelievable, fix it google <> #81
This is a huge issue. My usage is low yet my battery has gotten way poorer on 5.1.1. It was amazing on 4.4.4. Google fix this please. If XDA can do it, I'm sure you can. <> #82
#81 nobody has been able to fix this. Most they were able to do is mask the issue. <> #83
I am amazed this still isn't fixed, especially considering how important battery life is for users. It is a terrible bug. <> #84
android 6.0 on lg g4. still this bug ..... <> #85
Same error on 6.0.1 over N5X. :( <> #86
[Comment deleted] <> #87
Same on Nexus 5 6.0.1 (stock 6.0.1 (MMB29S))
It started after OTA update from 6.0.1 (MMB29K) to 6.0.1 (MMB29S).
I will try to flash 6.0.0 (MRA58N) and report if I will get rid of the bug after downgrade
It started after OTA update from 6.0.1 (MMB29K) to 6.0.1 (MMB29S).
I will try to flash 6.0.0 (MRA58N) and report if I will get rid of the bug after downgrade <> #88
What is wrong in your screenshot?
What is wrong in your screenshot? <> #89
Mobile Radio Active 1h50m 34s
I didn't even open the app (Telegram). It just drains battery like crazy. Same with other apps, which use cellular data (e.g Google Play Music, Apple Music (yes, I use both), VK (Russian analog of Facebook)). My battery drains from 100 to 0 in 2 hours.
Bug is triggered when I go away from home (which means I disable WiFi) and one of the apps starts to use cellular data (e.g Play Music in the car. I have unlimited cellular data, so I don't download music to device). On the weekend, when I'm in home for a whole day and use WiFi everything is okay, but once I use cellular all apps just keep mobile radio active for some reason, which drains battery.
Mobile Radio Active 1h50m 34s
I didn't even open the app (Telegram). It just drains battery like crazy. Same with other apps, which use cellular data (e.g Google Play Music, Apple Music (yes, I use both), VK (Russian analog of Facebook)). My battery drains from 100 to 0 in 2 hours.
Bug is triggered when I go away from home (which means I disable WiFi) and one of the apps starts to use cellular data (e.g Play Music in the car. I have unlimited cellular data, so I don't download music to device). On the weekend, when I'm in home for a whole day and use WiFi everything is okay, but once I use cellular all apps just keep mobile radio active for some reason, which drains battery. <> #90
#87 most interesting post. <> #91
[Comment deleted] <> #92
But Telegram is an app that is always pinging the server to fetch new messages. Logically, it'll keep the radio on most of the time.
How long has your device been on mobile data? The exact same amount of time as the radio usage for Telegram? Don't think so.
People don't understand. The bug is not about how long the radio is kept on, but how long it stays in high-power state after being called for.
But Telegram is an app that is always pinging the server to fetch new messages. Logically, it'll keep the radio on most of the time.
How long has your device been on mobile data? The exact same amount of time as the radio usage for Telegram? Don't think so.
People don't understand. The bug is not about how long the radio is kept on, but how long it stays in high-power state after being called for. <> #93
#92 not the same as #89 but look at my screenshots.
Mobile radio from metal is pretty active but notofications are disabled.
Mobile radio from metal is pretty active but notofications are disabled. <> #94
As a telegram user, can confirm mobile radio is active and in high power state constantly on 5.x 6.0.1. Now on kitkat and this issue has disappeared. The battery life related to telegram alone is night and day from kitkat to lollipop and marshmellow. There's no denying it, the battery is being brought to its knees by the mobile radio active time. <> #95
So, this issue is getting hotter and hotter. And still the priority is set to "small". What the heck?
Apparently, xda-developers and custom-mod developers are doing a better job than Google developers.
Apparently, xda-developers and custom-mod developers are doing a better job than Google developers. <> #96
Doesn't really take a whole lot to do a better job when the party responsible for fixing this isn't actually doing anything. <> #97
Just chiming in here... I have a Moto X (2014) and I just updated to Android M 6.0 (the latest release for my phone) and I have the same problem.
My primary reason for finding this issue wasn't necessarily under high battery usage, but high data usage. "Android OS" has used over 500 mb of data in just 10 days. That's not normal, is it?
My phone is new, and the warranty is still in effect, and I like Motorola custom software, so it's keeping me from just installing Cyanogenmod. Very, very poor move by Google on this. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a development team before.
For now, I'd say instead of moving to iOS, our best bet is installing a custom ROM. I guess I'll be working on that this weekend...
My primary reason for finding this issue wasn't necessarily under high battery usage, but high data usage. "Android OS" has used over 500 mb of data in just 10 days. That's not normal, is it?
My phone is new, and the warranty is still in effect, and I like Motorola custom software, so it's keeping me from just installing Cyanogenmod. Very, very poor move by Google on this. I don't think I've ever been more disappointed in a development team before.
For now, I'd say instead of moving to iOS, our best bet is installing a custom ROM. I guess I'll be working on that this weekend... <> #98
Custom roms still have the obscenely high mobile radio active times, but at least they don't have the massive data usage. <> #99
So does this problem affect every handset with Lollipop or Marshmallow? <> #100
Does a factory reset fix the problem or am i stuck with this? <> #101
This bug has been reported since Oct 2015 and the Lollipop one since April 2015. I've starred both reports from the beginning but I'm thinking of coming here weekly and post a comment until they are fixed. There's not much we can do as users, only star the report and make a comment.
I encourage other users to post a comment (star the issue if you haven't already) every week until we see the priority change or a fix. Google hasn't bothered to even acknowledge this is a serious problem that impacts every aspect of our devices.
I encourage other users to post a comment (star the issue if you haven't already) every week until we see the priority change or a fix. Google hasn't bothered to even acknowledge this is a serious problem that impacts every aspect of our devices. <> #102
any way to contact the assigned developer working on this? <> #103
For the love of god, provide OEMs an update that can actually fix this dreaded bug for lollipop and marshmallow devices, especially now that they provide updates more than ever.
Please, I have been experiencing this bug ever since I started using Lollipop on every device that has it or even custom-installed with it...
Please, I have been experiencing this bug ever since I started using Lollipop on every device that has it or even custom-installed with it... <> #104
I guess it may be only effective to pressure through devices vendors, as finally they lose money, but not Google (and they have access to mighty Goo).
Not sure about press... Most of them suspiciously silent about this bug and refuse to discuss on it.
Not sure about press... Most of them suspiciously silent about this bug and refuse to discuss on it. <> #105
Exact same scenario as described in post #89 :
I'm not even using the telegram app but same battery drain occurs regularly with other "online" apps exactly when leaving home and switching off Wifi: in that situation the battery stats are always showing a nearly linear drop in capacity AND it seems the doze mode stops working (...that lovely horizontal line just disappears) !
Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1, sync deactived, 3G, GPS device only, etc.
I'm not even using the telegram app but same battery drain occurs regularly with other "online" apps exactly when leaving home and switching off Wifi: in that situation the battery stats are always showing a nearly linear drop in capacity AND it seems the doze mode stops working (...that lovely horizontal line just disappears) !
Nexus 5, Android 6.0.1, sync deactived, 3G, GPS device only, etc. <> #106
My chrome is keeping the radio active for long periods of time. Like hours. It is the biggest contributor to battery drain. I switched to chrome dev and it seemed a bit improved. It happens more the longer your phone stays on. I find a reboot makes it summer down for a while. <> #107
This is very poor behavior! I like nexus devices and now I am forced to use custom ROMs (Marshmallow) in order to avoid this battery drain. What is the point of using and buying new devices that are affected by this? Who would buy new car that is pretty awsome, but the fuel tank is only 5 liters? Seems pretty unusable for me... <> #108
Luckily my Z5 has pretty good battery life, but this bug kills it when I use Chrome. I can use it for a couple minutes and still end up with 5+ hours of mobile radio active in Chrome throughout the day. I'm tempted to just change browsers... <> #109
[Comment deleted] <> #110
Have this issue with my Z5c, unusual battery drain and high "Mobile radio active" time.
Highest consuming apps are Google Services and chrome.
Highest consuming apps are Google Services and chrome. <> #111
[Comment deleted] <> #112
#111 doesnt sound sober... KK had ~36 hours of lifetime, LP ~8. It cant be explained only by measurement methodology changing. <> #113
Same issue on my Lollipop Xperia Z5. Need to disable the data and only use WiFi so that I can get decent battery. This issue needs to be fixed, and fast. <> #114
Come on google please please please. Why do you do this :-( <> #115
seems ridiculous to incorporate a counter and calculation that doesn't work. Why would anyone do that, seems illogical. This is clearly an issue, as indicated by the battery drain / lifetimes in KK vs. LP stated by many users above.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #116
Please fix the battery draining mobile radio active bug Google. I was really hoping it would be fixed in Android 6.0. Can it be fixed in Android 6.1, maybe?
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #117
The bug is still there, especially with Play Services. <> #118
I have that too when i turn on data on Samsung Galaxy S6, Google has always been the tech giant in my eyes and i really dont understand why they dont bother fixing this bug with all the engineers working there. <> #119
google spit on us ... and to our problems
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #120
Please fix this bug. It is irritating. <> #121
Really? I mean REALLY??? Is there even a person monitoring these bugs anymore??? Because I can't believe something so badly broken is COMPLETELY IGNORED for so long! Damn you Android Team just fix this already!!! <> #122
This is an issue and there is no way around it unless you use mobile radio whenever you want it and switch it off when you switch to Wifi. Should be high priority. <> #123
I think u are right on mobile data the total connection time get high values... for google services, i belive there is a problem with total connection time showing wrong values and percentages. On my s4 battery lasts 2 days medium usage and 4g always on.
Maybe there is a problem with the app that displays battery usage.
I think u are right on mobile data the total connection time get high values... for google services, i belive there is a problem with total connection time showing wrong values and percentages. On my s4 battery lasts 2 days medium usage and 4g always on.
Maybe there is a problem with the app that displays battery usage. <> #124
Same issue, particularly with Chrome, running on Lollipop 5.1
CPU time, foreground time is 5 minutes, but Mobile Radio Active time is 1H 46min...
CPU time, foreground time is 5 minutes, but Mobile Radio Active time is 1H 46min... <> #125
Using moto X Play XT 1562 dual sim, on stock MM 6.0, rooted, xposed, amplified, greenified and what not, mobile radio active still draining battery when in standby. Any custom ROM with a fix for this as google is least intrested. <> #126
[Comment deleted] <> #127
Only solution I've found working so far is use 'Smart Network' module by Wanam to turn off the Mobile data once screen is locked and periodically turn it on once in an hour to allow sync and notification through. Hope it helps someone. <> #128
The bug has been on my Moto X Style since I bought it. Factory reset didn't fix. Spotify, Google Play Services and Chrome drain an insane amount of battery if I don't close them! We need a fix! Quickly!
"Priority - Small" Gosh...
"Priority - Small" Gosh... <> #129
I just updated my Sony Xperia Z5 to MM 6.0 and this stupid bug is BACK. I am do mad right now. <> #130
Even under 5.1.1 I get this same issue...randomly, Play Services just uses mobile data for hours straight draining my battery. Today is started around 4pm, and the entire time the phone was stationary with screen off, yet Play Services was using up mobile data and causing significant drain for an hour and 18 minutes before I rebooted. <> #131
I have the 6P with latest build MHC19J, andddd the bug is still here. <> #132
Attention! Here comes a BIG question! Google ignores this bug, XDA has released a patch that fixes the statistics, there are regular posts that active time has nothing to do with battery drain and it is all about stats. Are we SO sure that our batteries are not wasted or something else is wrong? <> #133
This service 33% battery
Screen 2%
...yeah makes "sense" - jesus!
I tried uninstalling all google apps, which restores them to factory default versions. This restores my battery life to 9days, like it used to be! Updating them again drops battery life to 3½days, but if I use old outdated versions there is likely a security risk.
However the fact that I didn't notice any issues on my phone when running with the factory default versions means, essentially, that whatever new stuff was added are design failures as the net experience is Much worse with no essential benefit! It's sooo frustrating!
Screen 2%
...yeah makes "sense" - jesus!
I tried uninstalling all google apps, which restores them to factory default versions. This restores my battery life to 9days, like it used to be! Updating them again drops battery life to 3½days, but if I use old outdated versions there is likely a security risk.
However the fact that I didn't notice any issues on my phone when running with the factory default versions means, essentially, that whatever new stuff was added are design failures as the net experience is Much worse with no essential benefit! It's sooo frustrating! <> #134
Nice work, Google. I have 1-2% per night with wi-fi and 10% with 4g or 3g. <> #135
Been enjoying my Nexus 6p, until the battery drains for no reason. <> #136
Google: WHY are you failing here? At least post some sort of tool that I can manually invoke to kill the process. Re-booting the ^&%&*&* phone is NOT an acceptable solution!
Also, the problem goes away overnight while recharging - what changes? It only re-starts if I start using an app the next day that is accessing the web via cell...
Also, the problem goes away overnight while recharging - what changes? It only re-starts if I start using an app the next day that is accessing the web via cell... <> #137
Just chiming in to add my voice to the crowd. My Chrome process has kept mobile radio active for 50 minutes so far today (halfway through the day) but I've only used my browser for about ~15 minutes).
This has happened to me for a long time on various roms (including COS) on my oneplus one, ever since Android 5.
This has happened to me for a long time on various roms (including COS) on my oneplus one, ever since Android 5. <> #138
[Comment deleted] <> #139
Does N has good news for us here???
I dont have a nexus any one tried....
I dont have a nexus any one tried.... <> #140
Hi, I've noticed the same issue on my galaxy s7 as well running Android MM. The Skype app was showing mobile radio active even if I did not use Skype that day at all. The Skype app was showing 2nd in my battery usage stats. But the battery lasted me whole day regardless.
The funny thing is that when I uninstalled the Skype app now the samsung browser shows mobile radio active for hours. The browser was only used for abut 20 minutes.
So my questions is that is this bug really causing any battery drains or is it just causing some false stats?
Considering that I have a normal Galaxy s7 and I use it for about 2-3 hours of calling every day and 2-3 hours of screen time, I don't have to charge my phone during the day and I have 20-30% juice left at bed time. Coming from iPhone 6, the battery life seems ok to me.
just my thoughts
The funny thing is that when I uninstalled the Skype app now the samsung browser shows mobile radio active for hours. The browser was only used for abut 20 minutes.
So my questions is that is this bug really causing any battery drains or is it just causing some false stats?
Considering that I have a normal Galaxy s7 and I use it for about 2-3 hours of calling every day and 2-3 hours of screen time, I don't have to charge my phone during the day and I have 20-30% juice left at bed time. Coming from iPhone 6, the battery life seems ok to me.
just my thoughts <> #141
I've got a S7 Edge and I also started experiencing this issue after 3 weeks of use. Overall at the end of the day I lose roughly 20% of the battery due to the Cell Standby Issue, and its very noticeable compared to how the battery was the first 2 weeks. I've tried all possible solutions posted online and none have worked so far. I just moved from iPhone and I was so excited about finally having a big-ass battery... and it all went to hell. The phone is making me anxious more than I am able to enjoy it just because of this frustrating battery drain. I cannot believe for how long they have been ignoring this issue, it's just absurd! <> #142
Just bought a Galaxy S7 Edge last week - thinking to finally have awesome battery life, that is - and I too am experiencing this. What a travesty. Whatsapp has been on for 6 minutes and it's been using mobile radio active for almost 2 hours. And you can add Cell Standby and Play Services to the list as well. It's killing my battery life. Way to go Google, fix this. Quickly. <> #143
I have the same issue on a Nexus 5 with Android 6.0.1.
Chrome uses 17% of the battery, with mobile radio active for 1h 37min 44s.
Display only used 6%.
Chrome uses 17% of the battery, with mobile radio active for 1h 37min 44s.
Display only used 6%. <> #144
Same issue on Nexus 5X with the april update. Facebook is using as much battery as the display with high mobile active radio times, almost 50 minutes with just around 5 minutes actual use. Google Play Services have some high mobile active radio times. <> #145
same issue here, on my galaxy s7 edge running MM which drains like 25% of my total battery capacity with a bunch of browser cpu usage minutes. i won't EVER suggest someone else to buy an android and i'm so sad that google is still ignoring this after 2y passed with continuous alerts from the users and it's still labeled as a SMALL priority....really google if u re not able of taking care about your customers than give up and stop annoying with new bugged OS promising that everything will solve and battery will last longer thanks. <> #146
Same issue, got over 1day of active radio usage from the operating system. I can't think why it would even use active radio, let alone when it starts at midnight apparently with no trigger. <> #147
Samsung Galaxy S6 bought from Orange Romania. On Android Lollipop 5.x.x i had no issues with the battery life. After updating to Android 6 OTA, after 3 factory resets and wiped caches my battery is drained by Cell standby, about 15% per hour... <> #148
Upgraded my LG G4 to Android 6.0.0. Ever since been getting this ridiculous issue. Google Services eats over 50% of my battery. Process shows that "Mobile radio active" runs for over 5 hours before the battery is nearly depleted.
Turning off all my google sync accounts and physically uninstalling some google apps resulted in this issue going away. But what good is a smartphone that cant be used to organised anything..
Turning off all my google sync accounts and physically uninstalling some google apps resulted in this issue going away. But what good is a smartphone that cant be used to organised anything.. <> #149
Same here with my LG G4 on Android 6.0
Mobile Radio aktive eats the battery in 6 hours completly without heavy using.
Please stop that issue...
Mobile Radio aktive eats the battery in 6 hours completly without heavy using.
Please stop that issue... <> #150
This is still present on android 6.0
Its April 2016 now, and still nothing to say from google ?
Come on, we paid good amount of money for this nexus devices...
This bug is clear as a day, theres nothing to argue anymore, this bug does exist...
I run Kitkat OS now, and i got twice battery life compared to lolipop or Marshmallow...
Google, dont ever think to update or realease new Android version, unless you fix this bug!
Its April 2016 now, and still nothing to say from google ?
Come on, we paid good amount of money for this nexus devices...
This bug is clear as a day, theres nothing to argue anymore, this bug does exist...
I run Kitkat OS now, and i got twice battery life compared to lolipop or Marshmallow...
Google, dont ever think to update or realease new Android version, unless you fix this bug! <> #151
Same here with Android 6.1 <> #152
It looks the best thing users can afford is not to use Android :) May be Google just CANT fix it or NSA does not allow :) <> #153
Same problem here. Android 6.0.1, CM13. Could not believe it's not fixed yet!!! <> #154
Only have had this issue happen two times since I got my LG g4 a few months ago. Then suddenly yesterday this exact thing began happening. MRA is active 5 or 6 hours under "Android OS" and its is 50% or higher of my battery draw. CPU times will be under an hour.
This very moment it is CPU total 27m 35s, MAR is 4h 45m 17s, computer power use 824mAh
This is not good, and severely limits my phone.
It became apparent when i switched from GSM/HSPA/LTE auto to GSM/HSPA auto due to such abysmal reception on the LTE network, I was dropping calls and had poor call quality. Not sure if that matters or not.
This very moment it is CPU total 27m 35s, MAR is 4h 45m 17s, computer power use 824mAh
This is not good, and severely limits my phone.
It became apparent when i switched from GSM/HSPA/LTE auto to GSM/HSPA auto due to such abysmal reception on the LTE network, I was dropping calls and had poor call quality. Not sure if that matters or not. <> #155
I am not saying there isn't a radio bug, but I had the same battery drain with a Samsung S6 after upgrading to 6.0.1 until I switched off Wi-fi scanning.
In 6.0.1 goto settings->location->Improved accuracy and make sure Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning are switched to off. Check these settings on a regular basis because some apps (Google maps?) re-enable them.
In 6.0.1 goto settings->location->Improved accuracy and make sure Wi-Fi scanning and Bluetooth scanning are switched to off. Check these settings on a regular basis because some apps (Google maps?) re-enable them. <> #156
Same issue on Nexus 5x Android 6.0.1.
Honestly ridiculous.
Honestly ridiculous. <> #157
Same issue on HTC One A9 android 6.0.1. (I just buy it, normal ROM...)
Services Google Play version 8.7.03 (2645110-448)
Even if I
disabling GPS
disabling Google Now
disabling Location Services
disabling Location History
disabling Android Backup
disabling WiFi
disabling Google Maps
disabling Facebook / social apps
just sync mail without receive a mail.
in one day, services google play drain more batterie than 2 hours of normal call!
radio mobile seems always active even if there are nothing to do.
Please Investigate the issue.
Services Google Play version 8.7.03 (2645110-448)
Even if I
disabling GPS
disabling Google Now
disabling Location Services
disabling Location History
disabling Android Backup
disabling WiFi
disabling Google Maps
disabling Facebook / social apps
just sync mail without receive a mail.
in one day, services google play drain more batterie than 2 hours of normal call!
radio mobile seems always active even if there are nothing to do.
Please Investigate the issue. <> #158
I have no solution, but a mere help to improve the drain. I rollback to 4.4, was quite a burden on Xperia z1. Once successful, deactivate mobile network,4G, and use wifi only. It has improved stamina, and keeps battery longer than usual. But I do not trust using both radio and wifi at the same time. I can still track with endomondo with active gps and get all data when i reach my network. <> #159
Same problem, Nexus 5x, Moto G (2015), Galaxy Note 4. Every Android phone I know with Lollipop or Marshmallow... <> #160
Part of the Android beta program with my Nexus 6P and I'm very upset to state that Android N STILL suffers from the mobile radio bug. Lucky if I an get 3 hours SOT with a phone that has a 3450 MAH batter. Shameful. <> #161
Same here, on nexus5x 3rd dev preview Android N. :( Very upsetting <> #162
Yup, happens on my galaxy s7 - I was shocked to find the shortened battery life I was getting on my S5 was almost as bad on the brand new S7 <> #163
Is anybody even reading this? Why the hell is this listed as "small", Jeezus <> #164
I have this Bug with Android 6.0.1 (CM13 from xdasultan for my 1+1). This bug is so annoying me, that i'm gonna switch over to iPhone. <> #165
Another one suffering this annoying bug with my last OPO and my actual OPX.
I have tested almost all AOSP and CM based ROM and everyone has the bug.
I'm really considering switch to iOS in my next phone.
Google, fix this!!! 😠
I have tested almost all AOSP and CM based ROM and everyone has the bug.
I'm really considering switch to iOS in my next phone.
Google, fix this!!! 😠 <> #166
Also present in Android N. C'mon guys! <> #167
Change prio on this ticket! to critical!
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #168
The Mobile Radio Active Bug is still in Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow with the May Security Patch on my Nexus 6. Please fix. Thanks <> #169
I am also having this issue.
Currently Google Services 'Mobile radio active' has been running for 1d 7h 10m and 12s, it is utterly draining my battery. It has jumped nearly 5 min since I took the screenshot.
Currently Google Services 'Mobile radio active' has been running for 1d 7h 10m and 12s, it is utterly draining my battery. It has jumped nearly 5 min since I took the screenshot. <> #170
Same issue here on a Nexus 6P with may security update. Lately I get about 1h30 of screen time with this bug. If I stay on WIFI all day I can get 4h with the same usage. <> #171
The proof... <> #172
I have an Xperia Z5 Compact and am experiencing the same. Chrome and Cell Standby consuming battery. On 6.0.1. <> #173
[Comment deleted] <> #174
This smells like it's deliberate. I mean, think about it, it starts in 5.0 when it was reported for the first time in April 2015 (see issue 36949180 ), and continues in 5.1, 6.0, and also in M and N preview, with reports pouring in, now totaling multiple THOUSANDS during more than 1 year, and is the 2nd most voted issue on the bug tracker ... and Google is keeping silent, yet it releases new Android versions regularly!
Apr 2015, first bug report here for Lollipop, 1350+ written reports, 4000+ votes (2nd most voted active issue in the bug tracker):
Oct 2015, first bug report here for Marshmallow, 170+ written reports, 400+ votes:
Apr 2015, first bug report here for Lollipop, 1350+ written reports, 4000+ votes (2nd most voted active issue in the bug tracker):
Oct 2015, first bug report here for Marshmallow, 170+ written reports, 400+ votes: <> #175
Upgraded my LG G3 from 5.0 to 6.0 and spent the last days scratching my head why the battery drains so fast, until I found this thread. On 5.0 the phone used 1-2 % of battery life over night. With 6.0 around 20 % drain. With 5.0 the phone worked for many days for me (light user) but now I have to charge every day. Incredible! <> #176
I have the same issue, really annoying <> #177
Same issue here also. Any work around? Buy apple device? <> #178
Yup, that seems be the only way to avoid it... 😐 <> #179
I hear Spotify for a maximum of 20 minutes over earbuds and it drains over 800mAh (25% of total usage). And now i read, that this bug still exists in Android N. Nice work, Google :)
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #180
Started getting this issue a week ago. Battery drain within 2 hours. I think the most terrifying issue to me for this bug is that the phone gets so hot you can barely touch it, HTC. <> #181
I also have this issue, the mobile radio seems to drain battery more than anything else. I'm not using 6.0 but Android version 5.1.1. and I found this thread directly when googling. Has there been any response what-so-ever about this issue? <> #182
WHY IS THIS NOT FIXED?????? <> #183
Same here on Samsung S7, embarrasing bug must be fixed... <> #184
I bet it will be fixed on android 7 and not many of us will get it if we don't buy a brand new high end android phone <> #185
I think this will never get fixed.Android Release version is R52 still not fixed. <> #186
Same here on Moto x Play, from lollipop to marshmallow, no change. Thanks google for ignoring us since April 2015 <> #187
Seeing this also on a brand new One Plus X running current CM13 nightlies.
Observed this with these two apps:
- Telegram
- K9-mail
which were responsible for 25% of battery consumption per app, i.e. 50% of the whole charge had to be spend on mobile data.
I was used to the screen being the biggest consumer up to now an my old Samsung S2 device...
BUT, funnily enough the alternative messenger
- Signal
did NOT show excessive battery consumption (up to now).
How can one help to make this ticket proceed? Submit a log somehow?
Observed this with these two apps:
- Telegram
- K9-mail
which were responsible for 25% of battery consumption per app, i.e. 50% of the whole charge had to be spend on mobile data.
I was used to the screen being the biggest consumer up to now an my old Samsung S2 device...
BUT, funnily enough the alternative messenger
- Signal
did NOT show excessive battery consumption (up to now).
How can one help to make this ticket proceed? Submit a log somehow? <> #188
I want to add that it doesn't make a difference whether I allow CM13 to optimise the applications for improved use of battery or not. <> #189
horrible battery drain on g4. solve it already... <> #190
[Comment deleted] <> #191
[Comment deleted] <> #192
[Comment deleted] <> #193
OK, I kept logs now for two whole days:
The result was this:
Service Day 1 Day 2
Google Services 4h 15m n.a.*
K9-Mail 2h 54m 4h 41m
Telegram 2h 1h 48m
Signal 56m 49m
*) n.a. = not acquired
I'll post the log for "Day 1".
The worrying thing is here, that K9-Mail has so much "antenna on" time that it is already very unrealistic that everything is working normally. It all points to the bug reported here, that the connection is uselessly kept alive for far too long and thus causing unneeded battery drain.
I hope that this log perhaps gives some clues about what's going wrong.
The result was this:
Service Day 1 Day 2
Google Services 4h 15m n.a.*
K9-Mail 2h 54m 4h 41m
Telegram 2h 1h 48m
Signal 56m 49m
*) n.a. = not acquired
I'll post the log for "Day 1".
The worrying thing is here, that K9-Mail has so much "antenna on" time that it is already very unrealistic that everything is working normally. It all points to the bug reported here, that the connection is uselessly kept alive for far too long and thus causing unneeded battery drain.
I hope that this log perhaps gives some clues about what's going wrong. <> #194
By the way, when I switch off background synchronisation of K9-mail it totally vanishes from the battery consumption overview page, which is understandable, of course, as it doesn't need to switch on the antenna in regular intervals (with the subsequent trouble of leaving it on for too long afterwards again). <> #195
Lets see how long they take to fix this issue. I hope they fix it in N othewise time to move <> #196
I got the same Problem on LG G4 H815 with 6.0 Android version. Google Play Services and Whatsapp taking much battery causing of mobile radio activation. Sry for my bad english i dont write so much in english forums. ;P <> #197 <> #198
It seems as if the "computed power use" per app (also supposedly caused by the antenna being on for the mobile network) is NOT very accurate in Android's battery log.
I at least find on my OnePlusX running latest CM13 that the total of all these values reaches 2342 mAh while the charging level of the battery is at 61%. For this phone a total capacity of 2525 mAh is given in its specs.
CONCLUSION: the "computed power use" offered by Android's battery log isn't actually representative for the power used...
( At least the total antenna-on-time is smaller than the timespan the phone was switched on, otherwise I'd doubt that data as well! )
I at least find on my OnePlusX running latest CM13 that the total of all these values reaches 2342 mAh while the charging level of the battery is at 61%. For this phone a total capacity of 2525 mAh is given in its specs.
CONCLUSION: the "computed power use" offered by Android's battery log isn't actually representative for the power used...
( At least the total antenna-on-time is smaller than the timespan the phone was switched on, otherwise I'd doubt that data as well! ) <> #199
I am seeing the same issue on my OnePlus 3, any resolution for this? Will factory reset help? <> #200
#199 it doesn't help mate. I have wiped and installed almost every ROM available for my OPX and everyone has the bug. It's an internal Android issue....
Google fix it now!!
Google fix it now!! <> #201
Same here for me. LG G4 and the battery is drained in 6-7 h. 55 % battery usage is shown under "Android OS". Anyone's got any fix for this ? <> #202
Is nobody able to fix this annoying bug? Battery life was my highest priority when buying a new phone. Now I got a huge hardware battery but it's worthless due to this annoying software problem. :/ Can't believe it, although this problem is well known for ages right now. Please! <> #203
This is soooo annoying, google play services 9.2.56 was fine, no issue, and the latest update is totally shitty (9.4.52), the bug is back and I can't downgrade play services. Like always google doesn't care, it's made on purpose. <> #204
This should be on a higher priority list. It effects almost anyone using Android. It's not normal for something to be higher on the list than the screen for the consumption of the battery. <> #205
This Bug ist already fixed from a Guy that is helping developing a Xposed module:
Quote // Begin
After some investigation on the issue I found that the BatteryStats service was not receiving the radio power down notification. The investigation lead me to the, where I found that some code was discarding the radio power change notifications after the first radio power on.
The problem is that in the notifyInterfaceClassActivity method is discarding the notifications of radio power change to the BatteryStats (via noteMobileRadioPowerState) if the fromRadio parameter is false after it’s being true some time before.
Even after a detailed analysis, it was unclear what is the real role of the fromRadio parameter. Changing it to true in the calling methods solved the issue in the testing unit (Sony Xperia ZL).
Quote //End
Quote // Begin
After some investigation on the issue I found that the BatteryStats service was not receiving the radio power down notification. The investigation lead me to the, where I found that some code was discarding the radio power change notifications after the first radio power on.
The problem is that in the notifyInterfaceClassActivity method is discarding the notifications of radio power change to the BatteryStats (via noteMobileRadioPowerState) if the fromRadio parameter is false after it’s being true some time before.
Even after a detailed analysis, it was unclear what is the real role of the fromRadio parameter. Changing it to true in the calling methods solved the issue in the testing unit (Sony Xperia ZL).
Quote //End <> #206
Shine Google, get it done. <> #207
[Comment deleted] <> #208
Experienced this bug today. Firefox consumed 5hr of mobile radio with 38% battery used over 22hrs (airplane mode overnight), I had 2hr of screen on with 18% battery used. I had 40% battery left. Android 6.0.1 <> #209
Please Google fix it! It's horrible BUG. <> #210
Really annoying indeed. <> #211
Any observations if this is finally fixed in Nougat? <> #212
so no fix from google yet ??? <> #213
#205 sorry to say that this xposed module doesn't fix the bug... <> #214
Awful bug, hope it get fixed once... GOOGLE <> #215
OnePlus 3 on 6.0.1 oxygen. Same issue. Infuriating. Unbelievable how long this has been going on. <> #216
Nexus 6p has the same issue. Android version MTC20F. Please fix it <> #217
This is insanity - my spouse and I have the same phone - droid turbo 2. Mine is fine, hers is getting crushed. Why the hell is this not a higher priority? We bought these phones specifically because of the battery life!!!!! <> #218
Many users of instant messaging apps like Telegram are complaining about this and are accusing the app creator being the one responsible for it. Please get this bug fixed! <> #219
I also found this issue due to Telegram seemingly eating up my battery like mad...
But these days I don't think anymore that this "bug" is a real one.
As described earlier in #193, I am not convinced that the battery consumption readings given in the battery history are correct after all.
BTW, my One Plus X has better staying power now that is more often in LTE networks and from iPhone users I have also heard that their device lasts not much more than a day. ;-)
But these days I don't think anymore that this "bug" is a real one.
As described earlier in #193, I am not convinced that the battery consumption readings given in the battery history are correct after all.
BTW, my One Plus X has better staying power now that is more often in LTE networks and from iPhone users I have also heard that their device lasts not much more than a day. ;-) <> #220
I think one would have to have a closer look at the true battery consumption with real life data.
I tried to install battery-historian in order to have more detailed insight in battery usage, but unfortunately I couldn't get it to build:
I tried to install battery-historian in order to have more detailed insight in battery usage, but unfortunately I couldn't get it to build: <> #221
Yeah this is really bad still.
Stamina mode on my xperia z3 was broken by googles "doze", so i can't even leverage its awesome abilities anymore in 6.0.1
Stamina mode on my xperia z3 was broken by googles "doze", so i can't even leverage its awesome abilities anymore in 6.0.1 <> #222
Found this buf one year ago and still not resolved. Incredible... <> #223
This bug is also killing my z3... Already did 3 factory resets, tried using various apps and nothing helped. Hoping this gets fixed as I know not of many bigger android bugs <> #224
Went through factory resets a couple of times now - no change, the annoying bug is still there. Is this one being addressed in Android 7? I cannot believe my next phone should be an iPhone. ;( <> #225
Happening on my Brand New Sony Xperia XZ <> #226
What the fuck is waiting Google to fix this??? <> #227
I also have it on OnePlus X, OOS 3.1.3, android 6.0.1 <> #228
Priority small? <> #229
same here A3 2016 6.0.1 <> #230
Aaaaaand this fucking bug is still present in Nougat!
Fantastic!! My next phone won't work with Android :|
Fantastic!! My next phone won't work with Android :| <> #231
Present in any Version of Android 6. Battery drain makes my Phone unuseable on the go. Thanks for doing nothing Google. <> #232
I have same issue in my moto x play. Battery drains out in no time. <> #233
Same issue on Axon 7. Whatsapp, facebook and other app with notification <> #234
Mobile radio active. This problem killing my batteryyyy! <> #235
It's back! <> #236
This drain is insane... Without touch the phone, battery drains really fast. <> #237
This bug is kill 2 - 5% battery per hour, no root. OOS Android 6.0.1 <> #238
Having the same problem on my Pixel XL. <> #239
Android 7.0 Nougat, november security patch, this bug still persists.
Screenshots attached.
This is freakin unbelievable, Google, unbelievable.
Screenshots attached.
This is freakin unbelievable, Google, unbelievable. <> #240
The issue is present even on OnePlus X with Oxygen OS (MM)
please fix, the drain in insane
please fix, the drain in insane <> #241
Add me to this list. I am literally getting 3-4 hours before reaching critical battery level. This is maddening. ARE YOU LISTENING GOOGLE? <> #242
Same issue, marshmallow on Xperia z2... <> #243
Google исправьте уже эту проблему наконец-то!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <> #244
Now, it appears to me that google isnt responsible for this bug. The oems need to add support for RIL_REQUEST_GET_ACTIVITY_INFO into their modem firmware. This command is supposed to get the modem power state reply back from the firmware. But it seems most firmwares out there are not supporting it. So its the processor/device manufacturer who is supposed to fix this bug. <> #245
And for Nexus devices which get their updates directly from Google?! Come on!
I have the same issue in Droid Turbo XT1254 running official Marshmallow.
I have the same issue in Droid Turbo XT1254 running official Marshmallow. <> #246
[Comment deleted] <> #247
Still no fix for this. Such a shame, I can't almost use my smartphone, 1h of SOT and I get 25% battery left. Do you even care about your OS Google? <> #248
Same issue here! Oneplus 3t <> #249
Same issue with a Xperia Z2. And it was running fine for over 4 months and then suddenly this annoying bug. <> #250
Google Services draining my batter sometimes with such a speed that it is not normal. And mobile radio active time shows it is active for long time. So I assume still the same bug and nothing has changed. I have Samsung Galaxy J3 and Android version 5.1.1 <> #251
I found this bug's caused by location service. Any app uses location service will enable mobile data, because it use wifi, mobile data and gps to find your location. Workaround is using gps only or disable location. <> #252
In digging, because disableOthers=false will make mobile data not turn off when wifi's active. In the new build of vendor, it should be enabled again. <> #253
Same issue on Moto G 2nd Gen XT1045. <> #254
My phone idle is on as long as phone is on
On Apr 21, 2017 7:12 AM, <> wrote:
On Apr 21, 2017 7:12 AM, <> wrote: <> #255 <> #256
Unlocked Galaxy S7, up to date with Android 7.0 Nougat.
See attached screenshots.
Phone was left idle in a nightstand, and battery wasdepleted in an afternoon. Alone.
Bug STILL present on Nougat.
See attached screenshots.
Phone was left idle in a nightstand, and battery wasdepleted in an afternoon. Alone.
Bug STILL present on Nougat. <> #257
This is honestly getting ridiculous. There doesn't seem any way out of this
major issue. If it doesn't get fixed in time for fall, I'm switching from
Google's suite of products and Android to an iPhone with Apple's suite of
services. I loved many things of my switch to Android, but in two and a
half years I haven't seen any fixes for the issues that really need fixing.
Inviato da Gmail per Android
Il 07 giu 2017 17:59, <> ha scritto:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added comment #256
< >:*
Unlocked Galaxy S7, up to date with Android 7.0 Nougat.
See attached screenshots.
Phone was left idle in a nightstand, and battery wasdepleted in an
afternoon. Alone.
Bug STILL present on Nougat.
*Reference Info: 37066890 "Mobile radio active" bug in Marshmallow*
component: Android Public Tracker
status: Assigned
type: Bug P4 S3
blocked by: 21766163 < >
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned < >
AOSP ID: 190396
AndroidID: 21766163
ReportedBy: User
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
IssueTracker issue 37066890
< > where you have the role:
major issue. If it doesn't get fixed in time for fall, I'm switching from
Google's suite of products and Android to an iPhone with Apple's suite of
services. I loved many things of my switch to Android, but in two and a
half years I haven't seen any fixes for the issues that really need fixing.
Inviato da Gmail per Android
Il 07 giu 2017 17:59, <> ha scritto:
Replying to this email means your email address will be shared with the
team that works on this product.
* <> added
Unlocked Galaxy S7, up to date with Android 7.0 Nougat.
See attached screenshots.
Phone was left idle in a nightstand, and battery wasdepleted in an
afternoon. Alone.
Bug STILL present on Nougat.
*Reference Info: 37066890 "Mobile radio active" bug in Marshmallow*
component: Android Public Tracker
status: Assigned
type: Bug P4 S3
blocked by: 21766163 <
hotlist: [AOSP] assigned <
AOSP ID: 190396
AndroidID: 21766163
ReportedBy: User
Generated by Google IssueTracker notification system
You're receiving this email because you are subscribed to updates on Google
starred. <> #258
Bug still present in Android 7.1.2. I'm really getting tired of this one. Honestly thinking about buying an iPhone - I never thought it would come that far because of a software bug. Sad. <> #259
Bug still exists, makes a moto G unusable. Makes Apple look very attractive. <> #260
I also have this problem. It appears mainly in whatsapp consumption. This app appears as the first one in the list but when I go within the details, mobile radio active time is 6 times greater then CPU usage time. I'm on Android Nougat... <> #261
As I wrote in comment number #260, here are the battery status for Whatsapp.... Radio active is more than 20 times then CPU usage time... <> #262
Oh guys, I don't think it is a "Bug". "Keep radio active for some time after transmission" is defined in 3GPP standard. You can search for "RRC state" to learn more. I think if iPhone follows the standard it should do the same thing. <> #263
One possible issue is the problem from the app, if the app keeps using mobile data in background, even though it is small, one transmission will keep radio active for another 10 seconds. (For example, if you ping somewhere every 10s, your radio will be active all the time.) <> #264
But why wasn't there any accu drain on Android 4.4, but as soon as i upgraded to 5.0, i got this high drain (on 1+1)? <> #265
Does this bug happen on a clean install of Android, without any 3rd party apps? <> #266
Yes, a clean install of Android shows this issue. Also, having the device in deep sleep with all data switched off will also leave the modem connected for hours so the theory of it being small data transmissions is not correct.
This is as simple as the OS not shutting off the modem when it is supposed to. Rooting and using LeanDroid or ForceDoze can allow you to actually shut off the modem and work around the issue but really this needs to be tackled by the OS.
This is as simple as the OS not shutting off the modem when it is supposed to. Rooting and using LeanDroid or ForceDoze can allow you to actually shut off the modem and work around the issue but really this needs to be tackled by the OS. <> #267
That makes zero sense. There's no way Google would let a battery draining bug like that go through, especially when the last two releases has big battery saving features added (Doze and background limits). Maybe it's something the manufacturers are doing? <> #268
Oh my god how are any of you still talking about this? It's like 2 years old now. Google will not fix it if it still exists. Drop it. Google doesn't care about black people. <> #269
It makes no sense and yet here it is. And so I agree with you on that point:
It could be a modem bug, to be fixed in firmware. However, it is appearing
across multiple modem types. That plus the OS is capable of ensuring the
issue doesn't exist. Therefore it should be tackled.
On 15 Sep 2017 7:33 pm, <> wrote:
It could be a modem bug, to be fixed in firmware. However, it is appearing
across multiple modem types. That plus the OS is capable of ensuring the
issue doesn't exist. Therefore it should be tackled.
On 15 Sep 2017 7:33 pm, <> wrote: <> #270
I also have this problem on my 2nd phone now. Firstly on Nexus 5 on all OS-es and now on OnePlus3T. I'm also thinking about moving to iPhone, because this bug is still present after all those years.... <> #271
Google does not think there are millions of users still using Android 5.0 - 6.0 ??? still waiting for a solution .. <> #272
My WhatsApp is drawing power in 60.2 mAh.. If this is the problem, you guys better fix it.
Big cheers for the devs working on it though - mobile radio and communication protocols are one of the hardest thing to fix.
Big cheers for the devs working on it though - mobile radio and communication protocols are one of the hardest thing to fix. <> #273
this bug is not only present in mm but also in nougat please fix this <> #274
I'm facing this. Very sad to hear that there's no solution (or I didn't find much here). On another site or thread it was called 'wakelock bug - backup one specifcally', shutting backup and rebooting solved it for them.
I might try that.
I might try that. <> #275
Same issue, on my Droid turbo. Mobile radio responsible for 80% battery usage. Or 5060mAh <> <> #276
? <> #277
ok <> #278
sorry, bug <> #279
sorry, bug <> #280
Thanks for your feedback. Engineering team has confirmed the issue has been fixed. If you are able to reproduce the issue, please file a new bug with reference to this bug.
Description: Whenever an app downloads something over a mobile data connection, the mobile radio is not shut down and continues to run in the background. This results in a crippling battery drain when not corrected to Wi-Fi. As far as I'm aware, this drain can only be halted by force stopping all affected apps or restarting the phone.
This problem seems to be exactly the same as the one in Lollipop, but the bug tracker only seems to have a post for version 5.x. I want to make it clear that this bug is also present in 6.0.